Established in 1978, TCS provides cinematographers and camera crews with proven technical support and the trusted equipment they need to capture astonishing moving images, even in the most demanding of environments.

Catering to the film, television, commercial and broadcast markets, TCS offers a vast inventory of motion picture cameras, modern and vintage cinema lenses, and a full catalog of accessories to complete even the most robust package required for today’s complex digital cinema market.

TCS has a long history of supplying 16mm and 35mm packages to documentary and independent filmmakers, as well as feature film and TV show productions. Over the last few decades, as digital cameras have become more and more prolific throughout the motion picture and television industry, TCS has continued to evolve and grow into a recognized leader for bringing new technologies to the professional cinema rental market. Today, we are proud to call ourselves one of the premier motion picture camera and lens rental houses on the East Coast.