Harris Savides Collection: Bausch & Lomb Baltar 100mm T2.5 // ZO

A unique set of Bausch & Lomb Baltar lenses owned and used by the legendary late cinematographer Harris Savides over his years of filmmaking have joined the rental inventory of Technological Cinevideo Services (TCS). The four focal lengths available are the 25mm T2.8, 35mm T2.5, 50mm T2.8, and 100mm T2.5. Savides kept these lenses with his personal 35mm Arriflex IIC cine camera and brought them to each of his film sets. The lenses have been generously loaned to TCS by Harris Savides’s daughter, director and actress Sophie Savides. The lenses join TCS’s lineup of original Baltars, including a 30mm T2.5, 40mm T2.5, 75mm T2.5, and 152mm T2.8.

While many lenses from this time varied with manufacturing from lens to lens, the original Baltars typically display a consistent look from lens to lens. Uniquely, the 25 and 50mm in this particular set are uncoated first generation lenses from Bausch & Lomb, while the 35 and 100mm have single-coated optics just as all later Baltars were manufactured. All lenses have good sharpness and contrast with the wide lenses showing gentle corner fall-off.





Arri PL







0.8 mod (cine pitch)

0.8 mod (cine pitch)


  • Product Highlights

    A unique set of Bausch & Lomb Baltar lenses owned and used by the legendary late cinematographer Harris Savides over his years of filmmaking have joined the rental inventory of Technological Cinevideo Services (TCS). The four focal lengths available are the 25mm T2.8, 35mm T2.5, 50mm T2.8, and 100mm T2.5. Savides kept these lenses with his personal 35mm Arriflex IIC cine camera and brought them to each of his film sets. The lenses have been generously loaned to TCS by Harris Savides’s daughter, director and actress Sophie Savides. The lenses join TCS’s lineup of original Baltars, including a 30mm T2.5, 40mm T2.5, 75mm T2.5, and 152mm T2.8.

    While many lenses from this time varied with manufacturing from lens to lens, the original Baltars typically display a consistent look from lens to lens. Uniquely, the 25 and 50mm in this particular set are uncoated first generation lenses from Bausch & Lomb, while the 35 and 100mm have single-coated optics just as all later Baltars were manufactured. All lenses have good sharpness and contrast with the wide lenses showing gentle corner fall-off.